St Day Old Church Venue Hire Terms & Conditions
All prices are correct at the time of quoting, and are subject to change without notice.
No dates may be confirmed without a signed booking form.
Should you wish to change the date of your event, it will be at the discretion for the St Day Old Church bookings manager.
Any amendments to the original booking will be agreed in writing.
Site access
It is important that confirmation of get in and get out times is sent to us no later than 5 days before the event. Unfortunately, vehicles will not be able to stay on site overnight following your event.
Disability access
St Day Old Church aims to make its site as accessible as possible and is working to maximise access for all.
We have three (1 standard, 1 urinal and 1 disabled) compost toilets on site. All hirers are responsible for ensuring guests and event attendees use the toilets in the way they are designed, paying close attention to the usage information supplied.
Power supply
Electricity is available on site, please confirm what equipment you will be using for your event on the booking form.
Health and safety
Any electrical equipment brought into the venue must have a current PAT certificate which must be presented on the day. Any equipment brought in by contractors arranged by the client must have current risk assessments and Public Liability Insurance.
Damage/insurance cover
The hirer will be responsible for any loss or damage to St Day Old Church property that is attributed to a member or members of the party. You will be required to provide proof of suitable insurance (where applicable) to cover cost of repairs. St Day Old Church holds public liability insurance. We also require all visiting companies to hold public and employee liability cover.
Any licensable activity must be identified at time of booking as a TEN may need to be applied for.
Professional photographers must gain permission to photograph/film on the premises.